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Friday, August 10, 2012

Retro Outfit

Hello Friday!

How's everyone doing? Hope you are well. I know I haven't update the blog for a while. I'm having a difficulties to shooting the outfit as nobody is around. Anyways- I will try to upload it everyday as promised. 

I have a exciting news to share thought- My blog got over 500 view in 10 days! THANK YOU so much for your support!

Of cos viewer from Hong Kong became Top 1 on the list, but what surprised me is- Guess who's on the 2nd place? It's RUSSIA!!! I'm so happy you gals love my blog there, keep sharing it :) 

Alright, back to here- the outfit today it's a bit "Retro". Because of the Print, Lace and the Pattern. I just love to play with color and pattern together. I think it's so fun. And this green clutch is just amazing! I know I been carrying it a lot lately. Not because I don't have other clutches, but the color and this "Croc-embossed" feel is very unique. It can basically goes with every outfit lately. Heheheh... 

Thank you so much for reading, I hope you will like it :)

x K x

Bottom: Free People
Shoes: Kate Spade
Handbag: Etui, Topshop UK
Accessories: Kate Spade Necklace

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