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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Jet Set Outfit

Hello Everyone!

Victoria Beckham once said "It's exhausting being Fabulous!"

Especially, it's not easy to look great while traveling. Maybe because of the immigration process, the body search part, the no liquid carry-on issues, the dryness in the cabin, the spacious of the seat or the most important of them all- the hours we have to stuck in-flight...etc
All sort of reasons stop us to look fabulous, because comfy became our first priority :)

Because of this reason, I created today outfit!

Hehehe... It's a great look to feel feminine yet stylish. It can keep your body warm yet comfortable. Yes- the "Maxi Dress"!!

Be brave to play with Bold color, Pattern and Print cos that's a fun way to wear the maxi dress. I have this beautiful V-neck Zebra Print maxi dress, it goes well with the gold sandal. To enhance the holiday mood, I choose a shocking pink/purple necklace to match with it.

At last, a "Big handbag" is an essential for a carry-on. As it fits every junk in it. Your wallet, passport, camera, sunglasses, make-up kit, magazines, mint...etc
And this white Hobo Bag with fringe, it matching the whole "Safari/ Bohemia Look"

I hope you will like this outfit, it's a great way to look stylish on traveling. And hopefully the bright element of the outfit will lift u up a bit in this long journey of flight :)

Happy Holiday!

x K x

Dress: H&M
Shoes: Kate Spade
Handbag: Miu Miu
Accessories: Kate Spade Necklace

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